Dov Fedler
DOV FEDLER is in his 70th year and has been drawing for more than 50 of those. This is self evident in his cartoons where a skilled hand, an intuitive…>
SAMWU Zaps Cape Town
ZAPPIT IN THE ZIBI: SAMWU's destructive strike has left the streets and environs of Cape Town strewn with litter and evidence of the striker's vandalism. The City has said that it will hold the union accountable for the damage and, ultimately, the workers will have to clean up their mess. In the meanwhile, a small army of civilians have volunteered to begin the process. Here, DOV FEDLER features his own creation; Zibi - Cape Town's poster ostrich for the fight against litter - to inspire the clean up.
On the same day that this cartoon was published, fellow cartoonist CHIP also featured Zibi, in his Cape Argus Cartoon (see below). We've tagged these cartoons with coincidental similarities with a GMTA tag (Great Minds Think Alike!).
You can read more about Zibi here.